ACDE - Enhance your HPV Communication Confidence Applying Brief Motivational Interviewing

The human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection, causing 70% of all oropharyngeal cancers (OPC). A safe, effective vaccine against oncogenic HPV types is available; however, uptake of the vaccine in the United States has been slow. Provider communication has been identified as one of the most influential facilitators of vaccine uptake. Reported barriers to discussing HPV with patients is a lack of knowledge and confidence in discussing this sensitive topic. Brief-Motivational Interviewing (brief-MI) is a collaborative patient-centered counseling approach to support a positive behavior change and has been investigated as an effective communication approach for HPV counseling. This presentation will provide general HPV information, the role of HPV in OPC, HPV vaccination facts and brief-MI training for HPV OPC prevention.

Course Objectives:

At the conclusion of this course, participants will:

  • Discuss the epidemiology of HPV and OPC
  • Discuss the role of vaccination in prevention of oropharyngeal cancer
  • Define motivational interviewing, the “Spirit of MI”, and brief-MI strategies and rules
  • Apply elicit-provide-elicit for HPV and HPV vaccine communication

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