ACDE - Impacts of Technological Evolution on the Pillars of Endodontic Success - A Critical Analysis Based on Scientific Evidence

The main objective of the lecture is to propose an evidenced-based reflection on the impacts of technological evolution on the pillars of endodontic success. For that, the following points will be addressed:

  • Basic concepts of Endodontics, including basic definitions of endodontic success;
  • Pillars of endodontic success;
  • Technology versus endodontic prognosis and;
  • Critical analysis concerning endodontic success.

Course Objectives:

At the conclusion of this course, participants will:

  • Report the main objectives of Endodontics
  • Describe the pillars of endodontic success
  • Make an evidence-based reflection on the impacts of technological evolution on the pillars of endodontic success through clinical analysis of high-impact papers published and relevant clinical cases related to each matter to be addressed

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