ACDE-Beyond the Scanning: Digital Workflows that Make Sense and Cents!

We have gone beyond the scanning in dentistry! In today’s digital world we need to consider digital workflows for both fixed and removable prosthesis that can improve patient care and experiences. At Temple Dental we are teaching Digital Dentures that can recreate good existing dentures in a couple of visits. We initiated use of software to wax up teeth in our preclinical labs to achieve competence and confidence in our students to do design and mill their own crowns. For large complex cases, we advocate digital wax ups to allow for better planning and fabrication of a patient prosthesis. Subtractive (milling) and Additive (3D Printing) manufacturing is built into our workflows to allow customization for our patient needs.

Course Objectives:

At the conclusion of this course, participants will:

  • Participants will gain an understanding of fixed and removable digital workflows that can be integrated into their practice
  • Participants will gain an understanding of the equipment necessary for digital workflows
  • Participants will understand why digital workflows are essential in today’s practice

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