ACDE - An Evidence-Based Perspective on the Efficacy, Applications, and Clinicians’ Perception of Clear Aligners’ Therapy

This lecture will summarize the latest evidence related to the efficacy of clear aligners in achieving various types of tooth movements, their utilization, and predictability in treating different malocclusions including orthognathic surgical cases. In addition to giving an overview of the most common protocols and practices, clinicians implement when using clear aligners in treating their patients. And compare the efficacy of achieving the desired tooth movement between various commercially available aligner systems.

Course Objectives:

At the conclusion of this course, participants will:

  • Correlate the clinicians' preferences, practices and protocols related to clear aligner therapy to the current evidence on the efficacy and applications of clear aligners.
  • Highlight the latest evidence in relation to clear aligner therapy

Educational Method: Zoom Lecture


1 CE credit hour

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